- The program schedule and the presentation schedule are now available.
- Please find the guidelines for participants here.
- The Program Book can be downloaded here.
- The recorded symposium Zoom videos can be found in the following links:
Congratulations to the Winners of ‘Best Paper Award’!
- Cheng Zhang and Kin Sam Yen, “A Refined First-Order Sparse TGV Model with L1 Norm Data Fidelity for Enhanced Image Denoising.”
- Jakaisa Riskhalifah Bhuwana, Muhammad Zakiyullah Romdlony, Angga Rusdinar, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab and Muhammad Azhar Ismail, “Safety Control with Conflict Resolution for Multi Robots in Flexible Manufacturing System.”
!! Non-presenting participants are welcome to participate as attendees in this conference without paying any fee. Certificate of attendance will be given to attendees who registered through a registration link that will be given throughout the Keynote Speaker session. !!
About SMS 2024
International Symposium on Systems Modelling and Simulation (SMS 2024) is hosted by the Malaysian Simulation Society (MSS). The symposium aims to provide researchers and postgraduate students with opportunity to share their scientific, engineering and technological research findings, which covers applications of Modelling and Simulation in various fields, including Engineering and Technology, sciences, and Computer Science. More details about the conference tracks can be found here.
The Malaysian Simulation Society (MSS) is a learned society established since 2017 which aims to enhance the teaching and research of modelling and simulation in various fields. MSS is also affiliated in the Federation of Asian Simulation (ASIASIM) together with several simulation societies in Asian (Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia).
Important Deadlines
- Full Paper Submission: 31 October 2024
- Acceptance Notification: 18 November 2024
- Camera-Ready: 01 December 2024
- Registration: 07 December 2024

Accepted and presented papers shall be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, CCIS (subject to final approval by Springer). CCIS is abstracted/ indexed in EI Compendex, DBLP, INSPEC, Japanese Science and Technology Agency, Nowergian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, Google Scholar, zbMATH, SCImago, and Scopus.
Selected accepted papers will be awarded Best Paper Award.
Keynote Speaker
Professor Dr. Mohd Nasir Tamin
“Framework for Certification of Advanced Structural Systems by Finite Element Simulations”
Professor Dr. Mohd Nasir Tamin is a senior academic and researcher in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, with a Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island, USA (1997). His career includes significant roles, including the Head of Department and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UTM), and Director of the Center for Composites (UTM).
Prof. Nasir’s research team activities focus on the development of constitutive and damage models for alloys and fibrous composite laminates. The materials damage models are incorporated into Finite Element codes for reliability assessment of structures.